Friday, October 16, 2009

Lets talk

I have been thinking about doing this for awhile and I might add praying about it. I am not doing this with a bad attitude but quite frankly I think its about time that I stop saying '' someone ought to say something'' and just say something.

In no way do I think I am an expert on anything and I am not trying to be, its just that I see some things that I feel I want to address. Feel free to comment but remember that this is not a site for debate it is simply me saying what I feel and what the Word of God says about the different topics.

One more thing. if you ask me right now what topics I will be talking about the answer is, I don't know. We will get to them as they come to me. I can tell you that the topics will most likely be a wide range with the vast majority of them being Kingdom focused. I think it is safe to say also that they will all have a moral and Biblical focus.

Hope you enjoy

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